FIRST convert a Gray-coded number to binary by follow this method :-
The binary number and the Gray-coded number will have the same number of bits
1. The binary MSB (left-hand bit) and Gray code MSB will always be the same
2. To get the binary next-to-MSB (i.e. next digit to the right) add the binary MSB and the gray code next-to-MSB.
3. Record the sum, ignoring any carry.
4. Continue in this manner right through to the end.
Gray Code Conversion Binary Code
Gmsb+1 Bmsb
1111 1 1 (1)
1111 1 + 1= 10 10 (2), (3)
1111 1 + 0= 1 101 (4)
1111 1 + 1= 10 1010
Hence 1111 --> 1010
Lets try one more example:-
Hence 0101 -->0110
Lets try one more example:-
Gray Code Conversion Binary Code
Gmsb+1 Bmsb
0101 0 0
0101 1 01
0101 0 + 1= 1 011
0101 1 + 1= 10 0110
*(0 is not a significant digit) Hence 0101 -->0110
Try same for:
Gray Code Binary Code
0000 0000
0001 0001
0010 0011
0011 0010
0100 0111
0101 0110
0110 0100
0111 0101
1000 1111
1001 1110
1010 1100
1011 1101
1100 1000
1101 1001
1110 1011
1111 1010
Now we will convert a Binary-coded number to Gray by following method :-
The binary number and the Gray-coded number will have the same number of bits.
1. Gray MSB (most significant bit) i.e left most and Binary MSB will be same.
2. To get Gray next to MSB (next digit to the right) subtract next MSB(to right) of Binary from its MSB.
Bmsb - Bmsb+1=G
3. Ignore negative sign.
4. Continue through this manner right through the end
Binary Code Conversion Gray Code
Bmsb Bmsb+1
1111 1 1 (1)
1111 1 - 1= 0 10 (2), (3)
1111 1 - 1= 0 100 (4)
1111 1 - 1= 0 1000
Hence 1111 --> 1000
Here we try one more example :-
Try some more:-
Here we try one more example :-
Binary Code Conversion Gray Code
Bmsb Bmsb+1
0101 0 0
0101 1 01
0101 1 - 0= 1 011
0101 0 - 1= 1 0111
Hence 0101 -->0111Try some more:-
Binary Code Gray Code
0000 0000
0001 0001
0010 0011
0011 0010
0100 0110
0101 0111
0110 0101
0111 0100
1000 1100
1001 1101
1010 1111
1011 1110
1100 1010
1101 1011
1110 1001
1111 1000